expressions 17

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when it rains, it pours
Well, I guess with you when it rains it pours.
być stukniętym
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have a screw loose
być w siódmym niebie
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be on cloud nine
wyprzedzać fakty
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get ahead of yourself
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
nie inny niż, podobny
Jego budowa ciała nie różniła się od twojej.
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not unlike
His build was not unlike yours.
jestem zaintrygowany
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Color me intrigued
zmęczony, zużyty
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the worse for wear
After a month of journeying over rough roads, the drivers and their trucks were looking the worse for wear.
mieć pod ścisłą kontrolą
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run a tight ship
zakątek, okolica
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neck of the woods
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to wit
She's starting to see the effects of the disease, to wit: her memory is less reliable and she can't always find her way home after going somewhere.
w przypływie emocji
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in the heat of the moment
He didn't mean it - he said it in the heat of the moment.
z tego co wiem
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as far as I can tell
zgadzać się z czymś
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be down with something
Yeah, I'm down with that.
mieć z kimś konszachty, być z kimś w zmowie
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be in league with someone
Those two crooks seem to be in league with each other.
z powodu
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What with
What with the cold weather and my bad leg, I haven't been out for weeks.
górna półka
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top drawer
tym bardziej
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all the more
He had no other children and this made him love you all the more.
wystawiać czyjąś cierpliwość na próbę
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try someone's patience
Little kids get into everything, and it can really try your patience.
być przygnębionym
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feel down in the dumps
jestem ci za to bardzo wdzięczny
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I owe you big time for this one

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