Exit english 2

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Domanda Risposta
więcej nowości później
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more news later
wstawaj pobudka
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rise and shine
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have a cold
nie ważne
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never maind
strój na bal maskowy
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fancy dress
dziewczyny muszą cię kochać
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girls must love you
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zostaw mnie
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leave to me
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a would like
proszę o parę spodni
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pair of trousers please
każdego po kawałku
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a little bit each
kup spodnie
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buy the the trousers
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nie odbieraj telefonu
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don't answer the phone
to może być tarantula
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it might be the tarantula
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powinieneś zobaczyć je nadia
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you should see them nadia
Zgadnij co
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so guess what
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kupilem to dla Ciebie
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I bought it for you
spróbuj go na
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try it on
Dam mu to
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i'll give this to him
mam coś dla ciebie
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I got something for you
człowiek psujący zabawę
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oto twoje ubrania
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here are your clothes
będziesz wyglądać tak fajnie
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you will look so cool
robił zakupy online
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has been shopping online
naprawdę spragniony
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really thirsty
tylko kilka
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just a few
zamiast 10 cytryn
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instead of 10 lemons
poszedłem na zakupy dla hectora
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i went shopping for hector
nie mogę się doczekać, aż spróbuje
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i cannot wait for him to try
modny strój
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trendy outfit
będzie wyglądał jak dawid
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he will look just like dawid
on próbował
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he did try
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psie jedzenie
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dog food

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