Ewa 7th Dec (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
I'm happy for you.
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Cieszę się z ciebie
Can you hear me well?
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Słyszysz mnie dobrze?
I've heard it somewhere.
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Gdzieś to słyszałem.
it rings a bell
Her name rings a bell but I can’t remember her face.
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brzmi znajomo
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a recipe
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my sister's neighbour
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sąsiadka mojej siostry
step by step
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krok po kroku
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this morning
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dziś rano
this afternoon
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dziś po południu
this evening
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tego wieczoru
I want to go on holiday to Italy this year.
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W tym roku chcę pojechać na wakacje do Włoch.
I love Italian cuisine.
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Uwielbiam kuchnię włoską.
It's overrated.
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To przereklamowane.
I couldn't do anything to help him.
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Nie mogłam nic zrobić, żeby mu pomóc.

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