Ewa 27th Sept (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Ależ nie ma sprawy.
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No problem at all.
Proszę poczekaj.
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Hold on, please.
Pozwól, że pomyśle.
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Let me think.
oprócz czegoś
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apart from
I've finished apart from the last question.
Musiałam ugotować kolację dla mojej rodziny.
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I had to cook dinner for my family.
i tak dalej
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and so on (and so forth)
kontrolować finanse, rachunki w firmie, audytować
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to audit
!!! have sth audited (They had the books audited by a qualified accountant.)
The accounts are audited annually.
margines błędu
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a margin of error
The survey has a margin of error of 2.5 per cent.
Jaka ulga!
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What a relief!
w przyszłym tygodniu
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next week
do not say: on next week
w tym tygodniu
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this week
do not say: in this week
w zeszłym tygodniu
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last week
do not say: in last week
Codziennie robię kolację.
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Every day I make dinner.
Do not say: make a dinner
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a fence
w tym roku jedziemy do Grecji.
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This year we are going to Greece.
Co jadłaś na śniadanie?
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What did you eat for breakfast?
do not say: on breakfast
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to HAVE a nap
I had a short nap after lunch.
brać prysznić
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to have a shower
brać kąpiel
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to have a bath
pójść na spacer
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to have a walk
Napisz do mnie wiadomość na Whatsappie.
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Message / text me on Whatsapp.
Zadzwoń do mnie, gdy skończysz.
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Call me when you finish.
Do not say: Call me when you'll finish.
Zjem, gdy przeczytam ten artykuł.
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I'll eat when I read this article.

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