Ewa 12th Aug (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
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do NOT say: DAY
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Spotkajmy się wieczorem.
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Let's meet up in the evening.
po południu
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IN the afternoon
do NOT say: ON the afternoon
w internecie
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ON the Internet / online
ON Facebook, ON Twitter, ON Instagram, ON Youtube
do NOT say: in the Internet
Sprawdzę to w internecie.
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I'll check it ON the Internet.
Czy jesteś na facebooku?
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Are you on Facebook?
To był ciekawy film.
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It was AN interesting film.
Czy byłaś kiedyś we Włoszech?
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Have you ever been TO Italy?
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a motorbike
a skoro mowa o dobrych książkach
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speaking OF good books
do NOT say: speaking ABOUT...
Czym się zajmujesz?
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What do you do (for a living)?
Czym ona się zajmuje?
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What does she do (for a living)?
Ona jest w wieku Weroniki.
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She's Weronika's age.
w wieku dwunastu lat
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at the age of 12 / AT 12
Ona jest w wieku mojej córki.
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She's my daughter's age.
Ten samochód jest mój.
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This car is mine.
Czy umiesz liczyć do dziesięciu po niemiecku?
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Can you count to 10 in German?
raz w tygodniu
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once A week
do NOT say: once IN a week
w tym roku
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this year
do NOT say: IN this year
W tym roku pojechaliśmy do Niemiec.
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This year we went to Germany.
błędy ortograficzne
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spelling mistakes
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Nie mogę wymówić tego słowa.
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I can't pronounce this WORD.
Spotkajmy się w tym tygodniu.
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Let's meet this week.
pojechać na wakacje
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to go ON holiday
We didn't go on holiday last year.
szkoła podstawowa
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primary school
To jest najlepsza szkoła w moim rodzinnym mieście.
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It's the best school in my hometown.
Nie lubimy ich.
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We don't like THEM.
To jest ich morocykl.
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It's THIER motorbike.
THEIR and THERE are homonyms
Ona jest w pierwszej klasie.
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She's in year one.
He's in year three.
od samego początku
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from the very beginning
klasa (pomieszczenie)
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a classroom
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a car park
do NOT say parking
There's a big car park in front of my office.
miejsce parkingowe
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a parking spot
We didn't find a parking spot close to the shopping centre.
dyrekto szkoły
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a head teacher / a principal
Być może nie mam racji.
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I might be wrong.
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave
być na urlopie macierzyńskim
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to be on maternity leave
Ela is currently on maternity leave.
pójść na urlop macierzyński
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to go on maternity leave

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