Everyday phrases 21-

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Czym mogę służyć?
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Can I help you?
Tak proszę.
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Yes, please.
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Mam tylko 1 funta
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I've only got one pound
Czy mogę prosić o (koktajl mleczny)?
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Can I have (a milkshake), please?
Ile kosztuje jabłko?
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How much is an apple?
To jest 40 funtów.
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That's forty pounds
Jakie smaki masz?
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What flavours have you got?
W pokoju jest komputer.
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There is a computer in the room.
Czy w ogodzie jest jabłoń?
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Is there an apple tree in the garden?
o dziewiątej
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at nine o'clock
we czwartek
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on Thursday
we środę
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On Wednesday
we wtorek
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on Tuesday

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