Everyday activities

 0    15 schede    paulinami2
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Domanda Risposta
zmieniać pościel
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change the sheets
myć okna
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clean the windows
wykonywać prace domowe
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do (household) chores
robić pranie
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do the washing/laundry
odebrać dzieci ze szkoły
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fetch/collect the children from school
wykąpać dzieci
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give the children their bath
ładować zmywarkę
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load the dishwasher
rozładowywać zmywarkę
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empty the dishwasher
ścielić łóżko
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make the bed
myć podłogę
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mop the floor
polerować srebra
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polish the silver
wynieść śmieci
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put the rubbish out
wywiesić pranie
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put the washing out/hang out the washing
myć samochód
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wash the car
podlewać kwiaty
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water the plants

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