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nasza podroż byla dluga i wyczerpujsca bo nie spalismy prawie 36 godzin
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our journey was long and exhausting because we didn't sleep for almost 36 hours
w niedziele bylismy w Monte. wjechalismy kolejka a w dol chcielismy zjechac saniami ale ta atrakcja byla zamknieta
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on Sunday we were in Monte. we went up by cable car and we wanted to go down in a sleigh but this attraction was closed
jestesmy zakwaterowani w hotelu Pestana Carlton. to jest hotel z kawalkiem lini brzegowej
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we are staying at the Pestana Carlton hotel. this is a hotel with a piece of coastline
w poniedzialek zwiedzalismy polnocno zachodnie wybrzeze
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On Monday we visited the north-west coast
bylismy na sky walk, widzielismy duzo ladnych widokow, na basenach wulkanicznych, w lesie wawrzynowym
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we were on a sky walk, we saw a lot of nice views, on volcanic pools, in the laurel forest
zamierzamy zwiedzic levady
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we are going to visit levadas
wieczorem spacerujemy w funchal
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in the evening we walk in Funchal
w poniedzialek spotkalam kolezanke z Polski z uniwersytetu w stolicy
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On Monday, I met a friend from Poland from the university in the capital
ona byla na Erasmusie w Hiszpanii i przyleciala na Madere na kilka dni
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she was on Erasmus in Spain and came to Madeira for a few days
smakowalismy ryby espada z bananem
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we tasted fish espada with banana
smakowalismy poncha i vina maderskiego
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we tasted poncho and Madeira wine
mam dla was kilka gadzetow z mojego uniwwrsytetu
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I have some gadgets for you from my university
a to jest ode mnie dla ciebie
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and this is from me to you
proszę, udostępnij te prezenty swoim kolegom
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please share these gifts for your collegues
ile pokoi jest w akademiku?
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how many rooms are there in the dormitory?
czy w czasie wakacyjnym mieszkaja tutaj studenci?
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Do students live here during the holidays?
pokazesz mi pokoje?
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can you show me the rooms?
macie jakies udogodnienia? miejsce do chill out dla studentow?
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do you have any facilities? a place to chill out for students?
czy macie jakies pokoje gościnne?
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do you have any guest rooms?
nasze akademiki skladaja sie z pieciu budynkow
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our dorms consist of five buildings
jestem menadzeram dwoch z nich
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I am the manager of two of them
jeden jest na zakwaterowanie studentow a drugi dla doktorantow i pracownikiw naszego uniwersytetu
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one is for student accommodation and the other for PhD students and employees of our university
w czasie wakacyjnym wynajmujemy pokoje na obozy dla nastolatkow z calej polski
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During the holidays, we rent rooms for camps for teenagers from all over Poland
w roku akademickim wynajmujemy kilka pokoi dla gosci.
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During the academic year, we rent several rooms for guests.
świadczymy uslugi hotelowe
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we provide hotel services
głownym problemem sa rosnace koszty
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the main problem is rising costs
chcielibysmy zmniejszyc personel ochrony
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we would like to reduce the security staff
w czasie popoludniowym i nocnym
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in the afternoon and at night
obecnie w każdym z pieciu budnynkow mamy pracownikiw ochrony. chcielibysmy zmniejszyc zatrudnienie do dwoch akademików. w dwoch akademikacj bylyby miejsca pracy stacjonarne ale personel obslugiwal wszystkie piec budynkow
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Currently, we have security personnel in each of the five buildings. We would like to reduce employment to two dorms. two dormitories would have stationary workplaces, but staff would service all five buildings
moglibysmy zaoszczedzic okolo 100 tysiecy euro rocznie
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we could save about 100,000 euros a year
najwiekszym zagrozeniem moze być łamanie zasad i regulaminu akademika
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The greatest threat may be breaking the rules and regulations of the dormitory
na przyklad nocowanie gosci bez oplaty, glosne imprezy, balagan, szkody
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for example, overnight guests without charge, noisy parties, mess, damage
Apartament Sadyba kosztuje około 370 euro pokój 1 osobowy 170-220 euro pokój 2 osobowy 140-170 euro pokój 3 osobowy 115-140 euro
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The Sadyba apartment costs about 370 euros, a single room, 170-220 euros, a 2-person room, 140-170 euros, a 3-person room, 115-140 euros.
moje kolezanki byly w maju i spotkaly się z Fabiano.
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my friends were there in May and met Fabiano.
ja nie moglam do nich dolaczyc w maju
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I couldn't join them in May
moja osoba towarzyszaca jest mij narzeczony. on mowi po angielsku lepuej ode mnie
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my companion is my fiancé. he speaks better English than me
od 2017 do 2022 akademik remontowalusmy po kawalku akademik. zostaly dobudowane lazienki do kazdego pokoju, zmieniona istalacja elektryczna i wiele innych rzeczy.
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from 2017 to 2022, we renovated the dorm piece by piece. bathrooms were added to each room, the electrical installation was changed and many other things were added.

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