environment o-z

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to become too hot
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a chemical that consists of oxygen combined with another sunstance
ozone hole
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a hole in the ozone layer thought to be caused by light reacting worh some chemicals such as cfcs
ozon layer
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a layer of ozone in the earth's atmosphere that protexts the earth from some of the harmful effects of the sun
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to get inside an object or body by gettinf through something
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happening or existinf for a long time or for all time in the future
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a chemical used for killng insects that damage crops
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a chemical that contains phosphorus, used especially for naking plants grow
the planet
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the planet earth and everything on it
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to create pollution that demages part of tge environment
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a substance that is harmful to the environment, especially a chemical
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the process of damaging the air, water, land or organisms wirh chemicals or other substances
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the process of working to protext something so that it is not damaged or destroyed
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to keep someone or something safe from harm, injury, damage or loss
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used about amilas, plants, and other things that the law prevents people fron harming
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a radioactive substance sontains a very harmful form of energy that is produces durint nuclear rescrions
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the amount of rain that falls in a particular area during a particulat period of time
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a dorest in a teopical region of the world where it rains a lot
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an amount of light or heat from the sun
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to improve an area of land so that it can se used
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to treat waste materials so that they can be used again
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to make something smaller or less in size, amount, importance
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the process or result of makint something smaller or less im amount, size, importance
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the act od putting new trees into a place where the original trees have beeen cut down
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an official rule that controls the wat that thing are done
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to let sokeonw leave a place where they have been kept
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renewanle energy and natural materials replace themselves by natural processes si that they are never completely used up
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an area of land where wild animals or plants are officially protected
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1 not harmed or affected by something 2 opposed to something
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a flow of water or chemicals from one place to anothwr especially when this damages the environment
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the fact that thinf is safe to do or use
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a special area where animals live in a natural environment protected from peaople
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a severe problem is very serious and worrying
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waste from people's bodies that is removed from houses and other buildings by a system of large underground pipes called sewers
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a slightly dark area wgere the light from the sun does nor reach because it is blocked by something
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an unoleasent thick wet substance
solar energy
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energy that uses the radiation of the sun's light and heat
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a way to solve a problem or to deal with a bad situation
sulphur dioxide
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a poisonous gas with a sttong smell used in industry and often a cause of air pollution
sulphuric acid
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a powerful acid that has no colour and is very corrosive
sustainable development
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the development of a country or region that does not use more natural resources that can be replaced and so does not harm the environment
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to allow someone to do something that you do not luke or approve of
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the process jn which water passes from the surface of a plant into the air
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to keep something such as air, gas or energy in a particular place
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1 un unhealthy business or economy does not make a lot of money 2 ill, or jot phisically fit
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a chemical element that is a metal and is used for producing nuclear energy because it is radioactive
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the process by which towns and cities grow bigger and more and more people fo to live in them
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the failure to use something valuable in an effective way so that it does not produce the benefits that it could
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a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel it
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to become weaker or smaller and then disappear
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a chemical element that is a blue-white metal

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