english words

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annual percentage rate
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capital expenditure (not every month)
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operational expenses (koszty stałe)
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business Angel
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investment in exchange for sth
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likes food
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small fragment of glass
geographically dispersed
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tamper with
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women/the unbanked
proprietary (copyrights)
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votes (reguster)/light(cause to appear)
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immutable (cannot be changed)
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counter (prevent)
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a lot of money
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very little money
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very little money
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sm who does not spend money
set aside money
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save for special purpose
squander money
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to spend money on a wasteful way
launder money
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to make illegal money seem legal
withdraw money
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take money out of your bank account
allocate money
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to give a share of available money to a person or organization
made of money
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have a lot of money
put your money where your mouth is
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take action to support your words
Money doesn’t grow on trees
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Money must be earned and does not come freely
save some money for a rainy day
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to reserve money for a time when it might be needed unexpectedly
easy money
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money earned from an easy work
spend money like water
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To spend a lot of money without concern over whether it is spent wisely
put in one’s two cents
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express one’s opinion
be a dime a dozen
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be very common and not valuable
a five and dime
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a store that sells small items at low prices
big bucks
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a large amount of money
make a quick Buck
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earn money easily and quickly
a penny pincher
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a person who is unwilling to spend money
be worth every penny
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be with all the money
the other side of the coin
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a different way of confusing a situation
flip a coin
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throw a coin in the air to decide between two choices
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initial public offering (sell shares to public)
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non-fungible token
the garner hype
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getting more interest
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popular now but unlikely in the future
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money from rights to something
too geek out
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brainstorm with others
to bounce ideas off one another
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to exchange ideas
to tinker
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play around
to gain insight into sth
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to understand how sth works
to deploy ideas
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use your ideas
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a clear understanding of sth
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what built it
get round a problem
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solve it
tinker with
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improve sth
go about
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begin our carry on with an activity
read up on
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caught on
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become popular
dream up
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new ideas
tangible results
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clear enough to be seen
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can actually touch, see
alignmented reality
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add sth visual to explain better
in-hause research
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when a company conducts a study within its own business structure and internal resources
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tap into expertise
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tap into savings
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use savings
blue-sky thinking
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outside of the box
innovation economy
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go out and do amazing things
cutting-edge products
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the newest, most advanced version of a product or service
adajacent industry
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close to you
consumer demand
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an economic measure of a group's desire for a product or service based on availability
research staff
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a group of associated research workers in a university or library or laboratory
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to pick up on cues
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to do what is done or suggested by
to make sb tick
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to inspire
to be reliant on sth
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to rely on sth
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cognitive disinhibition
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no inner boundaries
to go against the grain
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to go against what is expected
to put sth off the back burner
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to deal with sth later
to leap forward
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To make progress
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to be born with sth
to facilitate sth
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to make sth possible
to adhare to sth
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to stick to sth
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extremely creative
hands off
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do not want to get involved
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with many disjointed parts, without a clearly defined shape or form.
propensity to do sth
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off the cuff
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without preparation
chain of command
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positions of authority or rank within an organization that are ordered from lowest to highest
to put out
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to part
to marvel at sth
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to admire
to shift
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to change
come to fruition
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it starts to succeed and produce the results that were intended or hoped for.
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recover from setbacks, adapt well to change
voting by consensus
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Consensus results in the best solution that the group can achieve at the time.
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working title
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haven’t decided
visually appealing
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meets with eyes
to cater to everyone
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to respond to everyone’s needs
revenue system
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the way that a company generates income and how it travels through the company's accounting system
affiliate marketing
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promote products
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technical words
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small and electronic device
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earn revenue from it
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cheerful and positive
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a person who knows a lot about computers
Rev up
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get excited
dry run
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last try before presentation
nooks and crannies
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all the details
be stiff and robotic
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express no emotion and do things in an automatic-seeming way
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pleasant and easy to talk to
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only God can be everywhere
annual stakeholder report
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document that contains financial information about companies
roadmap presentation
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plan for the nearest future
pitch deck
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short presentation with an offer
team briefing
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brings managers together with their teams on a face-to-face basis so that information can be delivered, questions asked and feedback collected.
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primary effect
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start with a joke
venture capital company
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invests in start-ups
have a track record
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approven skill
hook somebody
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grab ab attention
scale up
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make sth better
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make it better
showcase a concept
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user expierence
leverage (noun)
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power to influence people and get the results you want/ the relationship between the amount of money that a company owes and its share capital or value
leverage (verb)
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1. to use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better/ 2. to use borrowed money to buy an investment or company/ 3. to increase the amount of money borrowed
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amount of time needed
competitive advantage
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No longer competitive
to be by
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passed by competitors
incremental innovation
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current market but progressing
structural innovation
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existing tech to new market (children’s camera)
disruptive innovation
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new tech to existing market (smartphones)
radical innovation
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new tech in new market (iPhone, Netflix)
commercial standpoint
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sponsored or paid for by an advertiser
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increasing or adding on
well-defined market
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in steps or stages
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free from conventions or limitations
profound impact
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quick wins
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Solutions are defined as quick wins if they are easy, fast and economical to implement, and able to be easily reversed
revenue and profit
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Revenue describes income generated through business operations, while profit describes net income after deducting expenses from earnings.
market share
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the portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.
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remain in one place in the air.
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having many uses
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legal permission
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able to move quickly and easily.
planned obsolescence
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a policy of producing consumer goods that rapidly become obsolete and so require replacing
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wysypisko smieci
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thinking about future in a modern, positive way
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save goods that already have been damaged
feed back into
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put sth back into a process or situation where it was used before
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consist of seperate parts that can be used together
from the outset
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from the beginning
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a product that can be sold to make a profit
waste stream
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the complete flow of waste to disposal.
recycling plants
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save valuable contents used in electronic goods
self-healing plastic
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have the built-in ability to automatically repair damages to themselves
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don’t own it
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give money to do sth
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attire (dress code)
manufacture a product
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the making of goods by hand or by machine that upon completion the business sells to a customer
chuck out
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throw away
in layman’s terms
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phrased so as to be easily understood, without jargon
get the wrong end of the stick
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misunderstand something.
Introduction phase
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branding, marketing, advertising; copyrights/patent obtained; low price to enter the market; offers aimed at early adopters (“early bird” deals); building awareness of the product (self-driving cars)
Growth phase
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more distribution channels; quality and pricing at the same level; brand building; product extended through new products in the same line (electric cars)
Maturity phase
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increased competition; adding new features; upgrading the product; sales growth goes down, find a way to produce products more cheaply; increase funds for offers and discounts (Ford Focus)
Decline phase
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find new usage and new markets, sell to niche markets, try to harvest as much as possible from the brand (diesel cars)
a hook
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get people’s attention
district heating
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the supply of heat or hot water from one source to a district or a group of buildings.
fossil fuels
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made from decomposing plants and animals
inconsistent management
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When the manager projects an image of incompetence, sending out conflicting messages and confusing directions
waste labeling
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an effective way to identify containers, cylinders and drums holding hazardous waste
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a guide telling you about sth
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possible and likely to work
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getting supplies
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giving careful attention to what is happening
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money that is paid by government to make sth cheaper
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allowed to do sth
circulate the minutes
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to follow through agenda
cost overrun
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an unexpected change in the project budget that ends up increasing the total project cost
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important event in the history of sth
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the opportunity or possibility to do or deal with something.

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