English collocations_Appearance (Hungarian)

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absolutely gorgeous
My best friend Joanna is absolutely gorgeous
selymes és egyenes (haj)
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She has long, sleek, jet-black hair (sleek - smooth and straight, jet-black - perfectly black), pale blue eyes (pale - light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy).
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She has long, sleek, jet-black hair (sleek - smooth and straight, jet-black - perfectly black), pale blue eyes (pale - light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy).
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pale blue
She has long, sleek, jet-black hair (sleek - smooth and straight, jet-black -perfectly black), pale blue eyes (pale - light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy).
sugárzóan csodás bőr
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a radiant complexion
She has long, sleek, jet-black hair (sleek - smooth and straight, jet-black - perfectly black), pale blue eyes (pale - light color), and a radiant complexion (skin that appears healthy and full of energy).
homokóra alkat
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hourglass figure
People always compliment her on her hourglass figure
keskeny derék
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a slender waist
ask her what the secret is to maintaining such a slender wais
fitos orr
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upturned nose
She has a round face with an upturned nose
kiköpött mása egy híres énekesnek
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bears a striking resemblance to a famous singer
she actually bears a striking resemblance (looks extremely similar) to a famous singer.
kimondottan csúnya
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hideously ugly
I was really surprised when she introduced me to her latest boyfriend, who I think is hideously ugly.
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He has curly, shoulder-length hair that looks rather unkempt (unkempt hair - messy hair, it appears that the person doesn’t take care of their hair).
mélyenülő szemek
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deep-set eyes
His deep-set eyes (eyes that are far back in the person’s face) are almost hidden under his bushy eyebrows (big eyebrows with lots of hair)
bozontos szemöldök
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bushy eyebrows
kerek arc
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round face
szögletes arc
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square face
vöröses bőr
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ruddy complexion
He has a square face and a ruddy complexion (reddish skin)
tbüszkén viseli termetes bajuszát
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he sports a thick mustache
bozontos szakál
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shaggy beard
a beard with lots of hair
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facial hair
atletikus alkat
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athletic build
he has an athletic build
széles váll
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broad shoulders
he has an athletic build (body with a lot of muscles), with broad shoulders
izmos karok
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muscular arms
megigazítani a szakálát
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trim his beard
if he would only trim his beard (cut his beard a little shorter) and comb his hair, I suppose he could be considered somewhat attractive (more or less beautiful/handsome).
hajat fésül
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comb his hair
if he would only trim his beard (cut his beard a little shorter) and comb his hair, I suppose he could be considered somewhat attractive (more or less beautiful/handsome)
valahogy kinéz
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somewhat attractive
if he would only trim his beard (cut his beard a little shorter) and comb his hair, I suppose he could be considered somewhat attractive (more or less beautiful/handsome)

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