ENG 46

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the wax has solidified
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wosk zastygł
the seed sprouted
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nasiono wykiełkowało
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on a whim
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na poczekaniu
I haven't made this decision on a whim
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Nie podjąłem tej decyzji na poczekaniu
relay race
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bieg sztafetowy
a relay
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she clinched the title
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zdobyła tytuł
dance routine
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układ taneczny
the door was bolted
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drzwi były zaryglowane
Don't chuck it out
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Nie wywalaj tego
City Hall, Town Hall, Municipal office
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Urząd Miasta
follow suit
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iść za przykładem
Other countries are following suit or have already done so.
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Inne kraje idą w ich ślady lub już to zrobiły.
go through the roof
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go through the roof in inglese
gwałtownie rosnąć

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