Eng 19.09.23

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Domanda English Risposta English
a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares
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A metal grid had been placed over the hole to prevent people from falling in.
the fact of preferring to use your left hand or right hand to do things
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If you are buying a knife for someone, remember to account for the handedness of the person who will be using it.
to avoid considering something, such as an embarrassing mistake, to make it seem not important, and to quickly continue talking about something else
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gloss over
She glossed over the company's declining profits.
of a communications system, allowing communication in only one direction
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Radio technology refers to a simplex system when only one part can transmit at a time.
(in mathematics) the point where two lines meet to form an angle, or the point that is opposite the base of a shape
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If you say something (...), you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you may appear to be serious.
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He said that he was a huge fan of the president, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek.
the fact that something is divided into two parts or the act of dividing something into two parts
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to move or do something very fast
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A police car whizzed by, on its way to the accident.
the waste gas from an engine, especially a car's, or the pipe the gas flows through
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Car exhaust is the main reason for the city's pollution.
to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it
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We revamped the management system, but the business is doing no better than it was before.

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