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Domanda American English Risposta American English
everything is clear (syn)
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all is understood / it's all straightforward
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that you cannot avoid
the ineluctable signs of ageing
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impossible to imagine or believe
It is inconceivable that the minister was not aware of the problem.
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likely to cause people to disagree
a contentious issue/topic/subject
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Neighbourhood Electric Vehicles and Low-speed Vehicles
NEVs and LSVs reach a maximum speed of 25 mph. They are restricted from roads where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph (battery electric vehicles)
to have a clear and definite effect on something/somebody, especially a bad one
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to impinge
Things external to our mind (saints, spirits) may in their own way impinge on mind—really, in two possible ways
to sap
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to make something/somebody weaker; to destroy something gradually
Evil spirit can sap our very will to resist, our will to survive.
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we feel ourselves vulnerable or “healable” to benevolence or malevolence which is more than human
wrogość, zła wola
the fact of being weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally
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to stop somebody from being angry by trying to please them
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to propitiate
material, tangible
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But the use of the substantive (buffered – porous self) here may mislead.
an ancient custom (from England) that meant walking the boundaries of a property and, in ancient times, striking certain places with a rod in the presence of witnesses. To learn young people about the importance of the boundaries
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"beating the bounds"
Locked Wheel Skid?
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1. Ease up on the BRAKE pedal but maintain the pressure 2. Stop braking and TURN the STEERING WHEEL
​that is possible and likely to be achieved
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omething that you risk losing, especially money, when you try to predict the result of a race, game, etc., or when you are involved in an activity that can succeed or fail
how much did you bet?
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How much was the stake?
a drink of medicine or poison; a liquid with magic powers
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not friendly or interested in other people
distant, remote
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He was a cold man, aloof and distant.
strong and impossible to defeat or change; a building so strongly built that it cannot be entered by force
not to take
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not to be taken, make pregnant
“he spent hours studying the virtually impregnable fortifications of Vauban.”
to get information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficulty
wywoływać, wzbudzić
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to elicit
Her tears elicited great sympathy from her audience. I could elicit no response from him.
“children like Jung are left with lasting doubts about their capacity to elicit care and affection.”

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