Empik - 8D - What is like

 0    19 schede    piachol1970
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Domanda Risposta
moje mieszkanie jest na hałaśliwej drodze
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my flat is on a noisy Road
To jest na parterze
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It's on the ground floor
To nietypowe dla tego obszaru
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It's unusual for the area
Jest to typowe dla tego obszaru
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It's typical for the area
Ma przestronną kuchnię
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It's got a spacious kitchen
Ma klimatyzację
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It's got air conditioning
Ma słoneczny balkon
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It's got a sunny balcony
To daleko od sklepów
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It's a long way from the shops
Ma centralne ogrzewanie
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It's got a central heating
Jest blisko sklepów
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It's close to the shops
Jakie jest miasto?
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What is the city like?
Jacy są ludzie?
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What are the people like?
Jakie jest jedzenie?
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What is the food like?
Jaka ona jest?
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What is she like?
Nie wolno tu palić
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You mustn't smoke here
Powinieneś spróbować tej zupy
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You should try this soup
Poszedłem po papier
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I went out to get a paper
Poszliśmy na drinka
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We went out for for a drink
Jak ona wygląda?
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How does she look like?

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