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return to fundamental principles
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back to basics
result of work done
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fruit of its labours
prashe showing Concern for the environment as a core princille at the Centre of organization activities
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Green on the inside
Green on the outside
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phrase showing concern for the environment but only superficially
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activities by a business or other organization that are intended to show that the organization is concerned about the environment(fałszywe info ze jest eko)
In your face
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In a bold agressive manner (w śmiały agresywny sposób)
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McLibel Trial, an infamous trial between McDonald's and two ordinary people who humiliated McDonald's in the biggest corporqte PR disaster in history.
cause related marketing
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firma Non profit działa z organizacją for profit i czerpią z tego wspólne korzyści. partnership between companies and charities.
community investment
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firma inwestuje w jakieś spoleczne dobre sprawy/ inicjatywy i w zamian ma dobry impact dla spolecznosci i dla biznesu.
corporate philanthropy
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activities which demonstrate the promotion of human welfare through business. Promowanie dobrobytu człowieka poprzez biznes.
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the concept of creating more good and services while using fewer resources, and creating less waste and pollution ogólnie koncept który mówi żeby z mniejszej ilości rzeczy tworzyć więcej dóbr i tworząc mniej zanieczyszczeń.
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Company founded
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firma została wynaleziona
core market
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main customers
To be dismissed/appointed
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zostać zwolnionym/mianowanym
constituted of
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(coś) złożony z (czegoś kogos)
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