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Domanda American English Risposta American English
to give money, food, or something else that can be divided to several people
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dole out something
I can’t keep doling out money to you kids
to finally be in a particular place or situation
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end up
They're traveling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow. Much of this meat will probably end up as dog food. [L ] She'll end up penniless if she continues to spend like that. [+ -ing verb ] After wor
If the amount, rate, or quality of something falls off, it becomes smaller or lower:
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fall off
Sales have been falling off recently. Membership of the club has fallen off in recent months.
to understand or solve something
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figure out
figure out how/why/what, etc. If they know the cause of the problem, they might be able to figure out how to prevent it happening again. It takes most people some time to figure out new software
to think that you are better than someone
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look down on sb
She thinks they look down on her because she doesn't have a job
to make an effort to communicate with people or to give them your support (zwracac sie do kogos) np. w celu uzyskania pomocy
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reach out to
The Democrats have to reach out to these people to win this election
to try to persuade someone to act in a wise way or to change their behavior or a decision, by explaining why it is a good idea
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reason with sb
The police reasoned with the hijackers to at least let the children go free.

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