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to dodge
he dodged the question, He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.
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to avoid being hit by something by moving quickly to one side:
She asked a few perfunctory questions about my family and then ended the conversation.
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done quickly, without taking care or interest
The minister has been touting these ideas for some time. He is being widely touted as the next leader of the party. A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio.
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to advertise, talk about, or praise something or someone repeatedly, especially as a way of encouraging people to like, accept, or buy something:
to dispense with
Let’s dispense with the formalities and get right down to business.Mr. Buttigieg has dispensed with his stump speech.
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to get rid of or do without something
a lofty sentimentals, ideals
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high, ideas, etc. are of a high moral standard
The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice. The film was condemned for its sexism.
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to criticize something or someone strongly, usually for moral reasons:
a prominent Democrat a prominent member of the Saudi royal family The government should be playing a more prominent role in promoting human rights.
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very well known and important:

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