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The newspaper report detailed the fraudster's multifarious business activities. multifarious needs of the party
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of many different types
Blood was still oozing out of the wound. She removed the bandage to reveal a red swollen wound oozing pus. The waiter brought her a massive pizza oozing (with) cheese.
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to flow slowly out of something through a small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid
Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.
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with many complicated details that make something difficult to understand
Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water. Parliament has been dissolved. Their marriage was dissolved in 1968.
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dissolve in inglese
(of a solid) to be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed, or (of a liquid) to absorb a solid; to end an official organization or a legal arrangement
plant tissue brain/lung/muscle/fat tissue. Soft tissue, such as flesh, allows X-rays through.
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a group of connected cells in an animal or plant that are similar to each other, have the same purpose, and form the stated part of the animal or plant:
She's a resilient girl - she won't be unhappy for long. Optimists argue that the economy may prove more resilient. This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape. resilient materials More examples
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able to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened:

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