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I'm still here in this bar
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sigo aquí en este bar
I'm looking for more than a sign
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busco más que una señal
your reflection, my reflection
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tu reflejo, mi reflejo
nothing in me will be the same
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nada en mí será igual
I don't know what I'll do anymore
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ya no sé qué haré
if you don't give me your reflection
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si no me das tu reflejo
this time like a carousel
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esta vez como un carrusel
I feel like a doll
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me siento como un muñeco
a zombie behind the echo
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un zombie detrás del eco
I can't find anyone
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no encuentro a nadie
no-one like you
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nadie como tú
in the silence is the echo
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en el silencio está el eco
surrounds me like a secret
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me envuelve como un secreto
I'm still here without hiding
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sigo aquí sin ocultar
I am nothing but a crystal
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no soy nada más que un cristal
a mirror without reflection
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un espejo sin reflejo
I was always unpopular
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impopular siempre fui
I won't try to change it without you
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no lo intentaré cambiar sin ti

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