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Domanda Risposta
Security police - permissive
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open with blacklisting
Security police - prudent
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clsoed with whitelisting
Security police - paranoid
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no internet connection, forbids everything
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if server stores something valuable
Incident management
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Identify, analyze, prioritize and resolve incident to restore normal operation asap
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Analyze, validate, categorize
Root cause
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found in (6) Evidence Gathering and Forensics, eliminated in (7) Eradication
Vulnerability assemsent
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pen testing to identify vulnerabilities
Threat assesment
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process of analyzing data to create TI. Threat data is confronted with actual systems to match real-worl attacks
Threat correlation
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reduces False-positives
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degree of uncertainty or expectation of potential damage
Risk =
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Threats X Vulnerabilities
Risk mitigation strategiy: Assumption
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accept risk/bring to acceptable level
Risk mitigation strategy: Avoidance
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Shutting down systems
Risk mitigation strategy: Limitation
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use of supportive preventive and detective controls
Risk mitigation strategy: Planning
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be prepared? know how to act
Risk mitigation strategiy: Research and Acknowledgement
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analyze culnerabilities to countermeasure
Risk mitigation strategiy: Transference
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Exercise/Network Defense Testing - not applicable (hrs)
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Unauthorized Access - 1 (hrs)
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DoS - 2(hrs)
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Malicious code - Daily
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Inappropriate usage - Weekly
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Scans/Probes/Attempted Access - Monthly
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Invetigation - not apllicable (hrs)
Setting up computer forensics lab
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1) Planning and budgeting 2) Physical location 3) Work area considerations 4) Human resource consideration 5) Physical security recommendations 6) Forensics lab licensing
TRIAGE: Analysis and Validation
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analyze indicators. examine security solutions. Log analysis, event correlation, natwork and system profiling, network traffiic and bandwidth, checksum, FIM
TRIAGE: Incident Classification
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correlates severity, nature, criticality
TRIAGE: Prioritization
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LOW - lss of passwd, scans and probes, wirus or worm. MIDDLE - unauthorized access, unflierdly employee termination, virus/work outbreeak. HIGH - dos, computer break-in, violation of law, cyber terrorism, damage over 100k$
Forensics policy
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set of procedures to preserve and extract forensics evidence
Evidence bag content list
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1) date and time 2) info of incider responder who seized info 3) exhibit number 4) site from which was siezed 5) details of content of the bag 6) submitting agencies and addresses
Volatile data includes:
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psswd in clear text, executed commands, loging info, trojan horses, open ports, date and time, attached devices
Order of volatility
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1) Registry and Cache 2) routing tables, processes, kernel 3) temp system files 4) disk and storage devices 5) remote logging 6) physical conf and network topology 7) archival media
uptime check tools
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1 - PsUpTime(win) 2 - NetStatistics(Linux) 3 - Uptime and W(Linux)
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hidden in harmless, To control or damage systems, activated BY USER. Steal info, damage host
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installed without user knowledge
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gain root by exploiting vulnerabilities
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usually spread by trojans
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self-replicatin, withour user knowledge, can spread with assistance of user
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spread without human intervention. To overload system. some carry payload to damage systems. Used to isntall backdoor
backdoor trojans
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used to create botnet
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redirects web traffic to malicious site - DNS cache poisoning or HostFile modification
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exploits instans messages systems
puddle phishing
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small orghanizations
CEO scam
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spoofed CEO address
Mole detection
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piece of fake info is given
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Observing behaviour. Everyone is different so profiling defines pattern of normality
Behavioral Analysis
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compare past behavious also with other users. build profiles for each group, UEBA, SIEM, DLP. discover outliners in each group. Uses machine learning
DNS footprinting
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DNS footprinting - extracting DNS info from public resources
DDoS Eradication: Egress filtering
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DDoS Eradication: Egress filtering - scans leaving IP packets headers
DDoS Eradication: Ingress filtering
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DDoS Eradication: Ingress filtering - prevents spoofing and flooding attacks
DDoS Eradication: Rate Limiting
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DDoS Eradication: Rate Limiting - controls rate of outbound or inbound traffic
DDoS Eradication: RFC 3704 Filtering
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DDoS Eradication: RFC 3704 Filtering - deying traffic with spoofed addresses - bogon list
CBCC LOG name: output
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CBCC LOG name: output: 0-minimal info 1-bit more info, flags bits, previous LSN 2-detailed info 3-full info about each operation 4-same as 3 but with hex dump
Containment of Insider
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Containment of Insider - seize all allocated devices, proper legal actions, inform about potential loss, and many abvious more
Eradicating insider
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Eradicating insider - DCAP (Data centric audit and protection) monitoring and analyze user privilages, detecting unauthorized changes. And many more
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Vulnerability - existence of weakness, when exploited leads to compromise of a system
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Threat - unddesired event - something that exists. The impact is potentially hazardous
Quantitive Risk
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Quantitive Risk - deeper wiev (for example blood test)
Qualitative Risk
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Qualitative - consequence X likelihood. (for example questions asked by doctors - simple)
Email bombing
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Email bombing - sending email message to specific address
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botnet - used to perform DDoS
Forensic readiness
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Forensic readiness - organiztion ability to make optimal use of digital evidence
Forensics readiness plan
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Forensics readiness plan - refers to set of procedures to achieve and maintain forensisc readiness
Forensisc Policy
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Forensic Policy - set of procedures describing the actions to preserve and extract forensics evidence
Information Security Policy
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Information Security Policy - basic security, requirements and rules to implement in order to protect and secure assets
Incident Management
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Incident Management - set of defined processes to identify, analyze prioritize and resolve security incidents to restore to normal state
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Policy - set of guidelines used to achieve goals
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pharming - aka domain spoofing. advanced form of phishing where attacker redirects connection
Risk Management
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Risk Management - set of policies and procedures to identify, assess, prioritze, minimalize and control risks
Risk Assesment
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Risk Assessment - refers to identification of the risk, estimate impact, and recommending mitigation measures
Risk Mitigation
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Risk Mitigation - strategic approach to preparing to handle risks and reduce impact
Risk Determination
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Risk Determination - crucial task in risk assessment. complex process based on various tangibler and intangible factors
Risk Management plan
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Risk Management plan - defined as process designed to identify, eliminate and mitigate risks
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Skimming - stealing credit/debit card numbers by using special devices called skimmers
Threat Assessment
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Threat Assessment - process of examining, filtering, modeling threat data to extract threat intelligence
Vulnerability Assesment
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Vulnerability Assessment - zarzadzanie podatnosciami - skany, wiedza o podatnosciach, otwarte porty, miskonfiguracje. is the examination of the ability of system including curret sec. controls and rpocedures to withsand assault
Vulnerability assesment phase
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Vulnerability assessment phase - refers to identifying vulns in infrastructure
Eradicating email
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Eradicating email: use DNS filtering, disasble automatic download, new accouts
Threat intelligence
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Threat intelligence - identify and minitage various risks
Identify risk by performing threat and vulnerability assessment
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Identify risk by performing threat and vulnerability assessment
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BEST PRACTICES IH&R - OWASP - 1) Audit 2) Create response team 3) create documented IR plan 4) identify triggers 5) investigate problem, 6) triage and mitigate 7) recovery 8) document and report 9) process review 10) practise
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BEST PRACTICES IH&R - ENISA (european): 1)develop workflow 2) develop IH process 3) legal officer 4) monitor netwrok 5) incident identification 6) final classification 7) up to date policies 8) eradication and revocery
BEST PRACTICES IH&R - GPG18 and Forensics REadiness Planning
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BEST PRACTICES IH&R - GPG18 and Forensics REadiness Planning - 1) must develop forensics plan 2) which should be owned by director 3) should seek standard for forensics. 12 in total
Post incident avtivities
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Post incident avtivities - 1) incident documentation 2) incident impact assesment 3) review and revise policies 4) close investigation 5) incident disclosure
Incident impact assesment
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Incident impact assessment - determining losees (all types), find list of affeceted devices, finantial impact will help determine motive and perpetrator
DATE AND TIME are volatile
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DATE AND TIME are volatile
Malware is most common threat
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Malware is the most common threat - separate infected systems
Malware detection: Live systems/dynamic analysis
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Malware detection: Live systems/dynamic analysis - analyzing live systems in operation. behavioral analysis. detects changes to the entities in system
Malware detection: memory dump/staticanalysis
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Malware detection: memory dump/staticanalysis - analysis of memory dump or binary code
Malware detection: Intrustion analysis
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Malware detection: Intrustion analysis - analysis of logs and alerts from systems
Guidelines for malware incidents:
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Guidelines for malware incidents: educate, security policy, deal asap, monitor USB and downloads, seubscribe to sec bulletins, effective backup plan
Mail storming
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Mail storming - like a bug, without human intervention, auto-forwarding
Preparation for email incidents includes
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Preparation for email incidents includes - TRAINING AND AWARNESS PROGRAM
Network Unauthorized access Incidents include:
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Network Unauthorized access Incidents include: Recon attacks, sniffing and spoofing, dns arp poisoning, firewall and IDS evasions attacks, Brute force
Only educationg employess can protect from social engineering
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Only educationg employers can protect from social engineering
Permanent DoS aka...
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Permanent DoS aka PHLASHING. causes irreversible damage by sending fake hardware update (method called bricking the system)
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DRDoS - Distributed Reflection DoS - attackers usese corrupted system to make calls (one more "hop")
Eradication of WIRELESS using WPA2 with...
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Eradication of WIRELESS using WPA2 with AEC/CCMP
Preparation for cloud
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Preparation for cloud besides obvious do not disclose location of data base unless necessary
DNS attacks
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DNS attacks: 1) dns poisoning - spoofed website 2) cyber squatting - phishing with domain with simmilar name 3) domain hijacking - stealing CSP domain name 4) domain sniping - registering name just after expiration
Containment of CLOUD:
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Containment of cloud: -block communication with external networks -route services thriugh backup -block IP and compromised accounts -stop vulnerable services
Eradicating of CLOUD:
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Eradicating of CLOUD: -remove malware files -deny access to compromised -enable 2FA, captcha -enforce SLA for patching -run vuln scans and config audits
Recover after CLOUD:
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Recover after CLOUD: -install from clean backup -enable compromised accounts after changing passwords -restart after installation of updates that are permissioned by stakeholders!
Common OUTSIDERS attacks: easvesdropping and wiretapping
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Common OUTSIDERS attacks: easvesdropping and wiretapping - podsluchiwanie np przez corporate spies, can use sniffers
Common OUTSIDERS attacks: Creatin of false dossiers and misinformation
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Common OUTSIDERS attacks: Creatin of false dossiers and misinformation -missleading information spreading
Common OUTSIDERS attacks: -Intimidating exisitng employees
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Common OUTSIDERS attacks: -Intimidating exisitng employees - get personal info and then blackmail
Common OUTSIDERS attacks: Data theft and spolation
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Common OUTSIDERS attacks: Data theft and spolation -corporate spies or insiders, extract sensitive data in bulk (hurtowo) using hidden files, USB
Common OUTSIDERS attacks: pod slurping
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Common OUTSIDERS attacks: pod slurping -tooles runned by USB or other stortage device to scan for confidential data
Best practices against CLOUD:
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Best practices against CLOUD: -SLA -AICPA SAS 70 Type II Audit -strong key generator
Web 2.0 is technologies are used to improve buisiness efficiency and support critical business functions
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Web 2.0 is technologies are used to improve business efficiency and support critical business functions
Causes of WEB:
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Causes of WEB: 1) Insecure coding 2) Configuiration errors 3) platform vulnerabilities 4) Logic Errors
!!! LDAP injections are used to achieve
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LDAP injections are used to achieve: Login bypass, information disclosure, privilage escalation, information alteration
To test if the app is vuln to LDAP injection send qurery with meaning to generate invalid input. If server returns error, attacker can exploit with injection
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To test if the app is vuln to LDAP injection send query with meaning to generate invalid input. If server returns error, attacker can exploit with injection
We can detect web attacks by looking at response codes
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We can detect web attacks by looking at response codes - 302 redirects so there is a chance invalid request was redirected to somewhere critical
Incident responders can look for file access attempts greping log file for /etc/psswd
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Incident responders can look for file access attempts greping log file for /etc/psswd
Containment of WEB:
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Containment of WEB: -enable blackhole(block all traffic after threshhold) -increase server capacity -define level of load -deny unnecessary access -negotiate to buy time -identify entry points
WEB containment methods (3):
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WEB containment methods (3): -Whitelisting/blacklisting -Web content filtering: prevents user to visit malicious sites -Proxy Servers: to prevent IP blocking or maintain anonimity, useful to monitor traffic and control it
Eradicating WEB services attacks:
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Eradicating WEB services attacks: -SOAP -Configure WDSL Access Control permissions -docuemnt-centric authorization -detect web services anomalies and signature detection -filter improper SOAP and XML -maintain and update security rtepo for XML schemas
Eradicating CAPTCHA attacks:
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Eradicating CAPTCHA attacks: -Dont make CPTHCA solutions directly accessible by client -disbale captcha reuse -use well-established captcha immplementation -include random letters -encrypt -use multiple fonts to increase complexity
Eradicating Directory traversal:
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Eradicating Directory traversal: -define access rights to protected areas -apply checks/hot fixes to prevent exploit. of vuln. -update
Eradicating Watering hole Attacks:
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Eradicating Watering hole Attacks: -Secure DNS servers -analyze user behaviour
Eradicating CSRF:
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Eradicating CSRF: -logoff after using -dont use login details -check HTTP Refferer header and ignrore URL parameters when processing POST
Eradicating Cookie/Session poisoning attack
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Eradicating Cookie/Session poisoning attack: -implement cookies timeout -cookie auth should be associated with IP -make logout function availabe
Recovery afret WEB:
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Recovery afret WEB: -identify vulns -scan web app resources -patched backup version -define control access values
Best practices for SECURE CODING WEB APPS
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Best practices for SECURE CODING -permit nodes <OBJECT>, disable <IFRAME> -limit script activity -limit length of input -terminate prev login sessions -track user login and activity history -terminate old sessions -encyrpted cookie during transmit
Fuzz testing against:
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Fuzz testing against: buffer overflow, DoS, XSS, SQL injection

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