Eating and drinking

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a list of the dishes available at a restaurant that has a small number of meals to choose
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set menu
The set menu is reasonably priced
substances that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh
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food additives
I can’t believe food additives are good for our long-term health
food that is unhealthy but is quick and easy to eat
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junk food
Kids eat far too much junk food
meals already prepared or which just need to be heated quickly before eating
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ready meals
foods produced from farming, e.g. dairy produce, agricultural produce
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fresh produce
The fresh produce is excellent
foods which are changed or treated as part of an industrial operation
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processed foods
I think processed foods in general are probably bad for us
full, satisfying meals
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decent meals
Some people always have three decent meals a day.
small meal
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light meal
I prefer a light meal around midday
large meal
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substantial meal
I prefer a more substantial meal in the evening
not too expensively priced
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reasonably priced
the set menu is reasonably priced
high-quality meal
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gourmet meal
They wanted to go for a gourmet meal
drink that cools you and makes you feel less tired
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refreshing drink
Ice tea is a refreshing drink on a hot day
non-alcoholic drinks such as cola or lemonade
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soft drinks
meal prepared at home
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home-cooked meal
food without any chemicals at all
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organic food
the feeling of needing something which is too great to be satisfied
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insatiable appetite
Like so many politicians, he had an insatiable appetite/desire/hunger for power.
I feel so hungry! I can’t believe it!
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I'm dying of hunger
Here are your meal. ->!
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Enjoy your meal!

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