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Domanda Risposta
spragniony czegoś
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eager for adj
oszczędzać na (inaczej)
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economise on v
efektywny w
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efficient at adj
włożyć wysiłek w
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put effort into n
nacisk na
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emphasis on n
zaangażowany komuś / w coś
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engaged to sb / in sth adj
zaangażowanie dla kogoś
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engagement to someone n
entuzjastyczny o
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enthusiastic about adj
dopytywać o
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enquire about v
zaniepokojony o
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envious of adj
równy do
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equal to adj
ucieczka z / do
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escape from / to v
przykład o
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example of n
doskonały w
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excellent at adj
wyjątek od
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exception to n (make an exception of sth/sb = trea sb/sth as a special case - take exception to sth = object to sth)
wymienić coś na coś innego
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exchange sth for sth else v
podekscytowany czymś
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excited about adj
głośno oburzyć się na
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exclaim at v
wymówka za
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excuse for n
przepraszać kogoś za
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excuse sb for v
odstępujący od
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exempt from adj
wydalić z
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expel from v
doświadczony w
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experienced in/at adj
eksperymentować z / na
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experiment with / on v
expert w
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expert at/in (n sth/ doing sth) =person good at
ekspercki w robieniu czegoś
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expert at/ in /on (sth/ doing sth) adj (=done with skill or involving great knowledge)
ekspert w używaniu czegoś
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expert with n (good at using sth)
ekspert w dziedzinie
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expert on n (person knowledgeable about a subject)

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