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express complex concepts in simple words
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and pretty pictures
He's willing to work for Christian values up to a point
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it does not conflict with his personal goals.
proceed from false principle
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proceed from false principle
minus the sarcasm
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minus the sarcasm
the SJW/gender studies aftertaste is fucking disgraceful though
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i dont want to watch a show and constantly be reminded of social justice cancer
he did all the leg work
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he did all the leg work
well out of your depth
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well out of your depth
That all sounds over romanticized, but it's just the way it is with sailing.
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That all sounds over romanticized, but it's just the way it is with sailing.
you are taking this really well
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you are taking this really well
go on a rant
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random tangent
how do people unironically think this
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how do people unironically think this
ipso facto
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by that very fact
i dont get your angle here
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i dont get your angle here
it's suggestive maybe
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it's suggestive maybe
if you play your cards right
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if you play your cards right
don't try to upsell him
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persuade a customer to buy something additional or more expensive.
it reflects back on me
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it reflects back on me
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end justifies the means
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end justifies the means
in dribs and drabs
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in small scattered or sporadic amounts
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adhering excessively to law or formula
down in the weeds
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down in the weeds
Geometric rate
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arithmetic rate
Hey mooks
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pencil necks
This man is protected by so many layers of irony he’s untouchable
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This man is protected by so many layers of irony he’s untouchable
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by greed
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Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by greed
im calling it talent, you calling it a genetic freak, semantics at this point.
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im calling it talent, you calling it a genetic freak, semantics at this point.
much less the president...
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much less the president...
slap-dash procedure
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done or made without careful planning, slipshod, haphazard
Limiting principle
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Limiting principle
Bread and butter
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Bread and butter
Out of the Woods
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Out of the Woods
Down in the dumps
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Down in the dumps
He's down to zero so he's done perfect math on that
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He's down to zero so he's done perfect math on that
puts other ... on notice
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warned or told about something
we can't live by her standards, she's not normal, she has 14 meals a day
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we can't live by her standards, she's not normal, she has 14 meals a day
Paid in exposure
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Paid in exposure
In their wheelhouse
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In their wheelhouse
they keep stepping on the same rake
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they keep stepping on the same rake
they need to let go of that emotional phantasy
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they need to let go of that emotional phantasy

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