E-E English Idioms

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Domanda English Risposta English
stop wasting your time talking about the matter that cannot be settled the way you would like it
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flog a dead horse
someone tends to make plans that can never be fulfilled
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build castles in the air
something doesn’t sound true
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hold water
celebrate something
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paint the town red
achieved the required level of knowledge
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All the students made the grade and were complimented on by their teachers
feel scared
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get cold feet
experience hardship, especially financial
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feel the pinch
do something that is considered to be impossible
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Trying to convince the management to change their policy is like squaring the circle
to challenge someone's statement or threat because it is not believed
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call somebody’s bluff
The amount you’ve been arguing about is not worth the squabble
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Stop splitting hairs
do something innovative
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break new ground in biotechnology
conform to another's actions
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follow suit
make a great effort to think of or remember something
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Jenny racked her brains but could not remember which magazine she had seen the advertisement in
be in such a desperate situation as to resort to even the most unlikely means of salvation
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clutch at straws
make an extraordinarily strenuous effort to do something
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i sweated blood over it
to try to settle a disagreement or dispute with words intended to placate or pacify those involved
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manage to put oil on the troubled waters
have a private reason for doing or being involved in something
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have an axe to grind
to try and make an idea or piece of work seem bad by finding all the things that are wrong or missing
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pick holes in somebody’s reasoning
make an indiscreet or embarrassing remark (informal british)
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I realized I had dropped a brick by asking Mrs Hobson about her son’s name
closed the business
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put up the shutters
failed to obtain what one has been striving for
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draw a blank
gain riches in a dishonest way
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feather one’s nest
give up participation in an unprofitable activity
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cut one’s losses
be fired from work
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get the chop
start doing something before the set time
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jump the gun
start behaving better
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turn over a new leaf
to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people
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chip on the shoulder
prevent someone from carrying out a plan (British)
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put a spoke in their wheel
rise in status or wealth
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come up in the world
idk lmao
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cast a wide net

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