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ciągle, raz za razem, wielokrotnie inizia ad imparare
Watching a woodpecker repeatedly smash its face into a tree, it’s hard not to wonder how its brain stays intact.
complete and in the original state: inizia ad imparare
Watching a woodpecker repeatedly smash its face into a tree, it’s hard not to wonder how its brain stays intact.
przeważający, powszechny, panujący, aktualny existing in a particular place or at a particular time: inizia ad imparare
For years, the prevailing theory has been that structures in and around a woodpecker’s skull absorb the shocks created during pecking
dziobanie, kucie, pukanie When a bird pecks, it bites, hits, or picks up something small with its beak: inizia ad imparare
For years, the prevailing theory has been that structures in and around a woodpecker’s skull absorb the shocks created during pecking
zdarzyć się, wydarzyć się (especially of accidents and other unexpected events) to happen: inizia ad imparare
If any of these symptoms occur while you are taking the medication, consult your doctor immediately.
materiał filmowy, dlugość w stopach (a piece of) film especially one showing an event: inizia ad imparare
Woody Allen's movie "Zelig" contains early newsreel footage.
to reduce the speed that a vehicle is travelling at: inizia ad imparare
The car decelerated at the sight of the police car.
poddawać się (badaniom), odbywać (kuracje) to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change: inizia ad imparare
She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.
wytrzymywać (próbe czasu), opierać się, być odpornym (na coś) to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully: inizia ad imparare
The aircraft base is protected with specially designed shelters which are built to withstand ground and air attacks.
znacznie, w znacznym stopniu to a large, noticeable, or important degree: inizia ad imparare
He's considerably fatter than he was when I knew him.
zwalnianie, zmniejszanie prędkości inizia ad imparare
the quality of being very formal and not relaxed, the quality of being firm, hard, or unable to bend: inizia ad imparare
Her initial stiffness began to wear off as we got to know her.
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Our research requires a number of factors to be taken into account.
to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad: inizia ad imparare
It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.
something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting: inizia ad imparare
Gravity is a natural phenomenon.