Domanda ![]() |
Risposta ![]() |
chown apache: apache -R /var/www recursively sets the owner to all files and directories under /var/www/ to apache and the group ownership to apache (This would include the www directory itself).
How would you dump the contents of the /var/log/messages file into standard output, grep for all lines that contain "Memory" and then redirect the grep'ed result to /home/user/log. txt?
cat /var/log/messages | grep -i memory > /home/user/log. txt
You need to search for man pages that relate to the postfix service. Which command will do this?
whatis postfix, apropos postfix
How would you append the text "service=on" to the /etc/motd file?
echo "service=on" >> /etc/motd
You need to set the execute bit on the finance directory and any subdirectories it might contain, but not on the files within them. This change must apply to all users. What methods might you use?
chmod a+X -R finance, chmod -R a+X finance
Which directory contains the info files from which the info program reads?
Display first ten lines of the file
Display first fifty lines of the file
head -n 50
Display last ten lines of the file
Add next line to the file i.e. to /varlog/messages when new log comes
tail -f /var/log/messages
Display all lines starting with #
grep '^#'
Display a word with either capital or small letter
grep -i <word>
Search and display word in a file
grep 'user' /etc/passwd
Search and display everything but the word in the file
grep -v 'slowo' /etc/passwd
Find a word in results of dmesg command
dmesg | grep slowo
Find a line in a file where 'word' is at the end on the line
grep 'word$' /etc/passwd
Find lines starting and ending with linuxacademy
grep -I '^linuxacademy&' /etc/passwd
Find a line without letters o and a
grep '[^oa]' /var/log/messages
Regular expression -?
Item is optional
Regular expression - +
Item exists once or more times in line
Fine a latter which appears once or more in the line
grep -E '(a)+' <filename>