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hear it on the grapevine
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to hear rumors about sb or sth
hit the nail on the head
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do or say sth exactly right
hit the sack / sheets / hay
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to go to bed
on the heat of the moment
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overwhelmed by what is happening at the moment
it takes two to tango
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actions require more that one person
jump on the bandwagon
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join to a popular trend or activity
keep sth at bay
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keep sth away
kill two birds with one stone
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to accomplish to things at the same time
last straw
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the final problem in a series of problems
let sleeping dogs lie
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do not disturb the situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications
let the cat out of the bag
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to share information that was previously concealed
make a long shory short
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come to the point - leave out details
method to my madness
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an assertion that despite one's approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it
miss the boat
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miss the chance
not a speak of decency
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no manners
not playing with a full deck
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sb who lacks intelligence
off one's rocker
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crazy, demented
on the ball
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when sb understands the situation well
once in a blue moon
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happens very rarely
picture paints a thousand words
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a visual presentation is far more descriptive than words
piece of cake
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sth easy or simple
put wool over sb's eyes
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to deceive sb into thinking well of them
see eye to eye
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ppl agree on sth
sit on the fence
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when sb doesnt want to chose or make a decision
speak of a devil
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person you have been talking about arives
steal sb's thunder
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to take the credit for sth what sb else did
take with a grain of salt
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not to take what sb says too seriously
taste of your own medicine
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sth whay u have done to sb else happens to you
to hear something straight from the horse's mouth
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to hear sth from the authoritative source
to hear something straight from the horse's mouth
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to hear sth from the authoritative source
whole nine yards
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everything, all of it
wouldnt be caught dead
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would never like to do sth
your guess is as good as mine
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to have an idea, dont know the answer or question

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