doris 4

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tak szybko jak to możliwe
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as soon as possible
o ile pamiętam
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as far as i remember
o ile mi wiadomo
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as far as I know
uparty jak osioł
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as stubborn as a mule
tak stary jak świat
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as old as a hills
jak w teatrze
proba nie byla tak ekscytujaca jak występ
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the rehersal wasn’t so exciting as a show
lekki jak piórko
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as light as a feather
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as cool as a cucumber
wtrącać się
do rozmowy
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chime in
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spełnić czyjeś oczekiwania
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meet sb expectation
sklep sieciowy
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chain store
wlałbym być tutaj niż tan w klubie, szczerze
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straight up
I would rather be here than out in club, straight up
wynieś śmieci
mozesz wyrzucic smieci?
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take out the rubbish
can you take the rubbish out?
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lucent, transparent
grubsza podeszwa
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there is a hole in the sole of my shoe
thicker sole
Powiedz to głośno
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say it out loud
oferta pracy
list z oferta
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letter of offer
omówić coś
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talk sth over
warunki pracy
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working conditions
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giełda papierów wartościowych
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Stock Exchange

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