Dominik 8th Sept (30 min)

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ustawić poprzeczkę bardzo wysoko
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to set the bar very high
to lower / to raise the bar
Sofia sets the bar very high for what she expects of herself.
mama podwozi mnie do szkoły
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my mum gives me a lift to school
10-minutowa przerwa
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a 10-minute break
nasza najdłuższa przerwa to 30 minut
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our longest break is 30 minutes
to 15-letni chłopiec
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he's A 15-year-old boy
przepraszam za to
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sorry about that
Mówię biegle po rosyjsku.
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I'm fluent in Russian.
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a tool
podzielić coś na coś
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to divide sth INTO sth
We divided the cake into ten pieces.
mieć chętkę na coś / pragnąć czegoś
to crave (for) alcohol/drugs/sweet food/cigarettes/coffee
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to crave (for) sth
ogórki konserwowe
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