Dominik 25th Aug (45 min)

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Dawno się nie widzieliśmy.
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Long time (no see).
Co nowego?
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What's new? - Same old (same old).
Spotkajmy się w południe.
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Let's meet AT noon. / Let's meet at 12.
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It's the third of August.
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the twentieth
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to spell sth
Can you spell your name?
L jak Litwa
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L FOR Lithuania
K jak Kevin
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K for Kevin
O jak Oliver
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O for Oliver
pojechać na wakacje
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to go ON holiday
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We went to Turkey last year.
Jesteśmy na plaży.
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We are on the beach.
Pójdźmy na plażę.
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Let's go to the beach.
pójść na spacer
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to go FOR a walk
pojechać na wycieczkę
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to go ON a trip
nauczyć się czegoś na pamięć
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to learn sth by heart
pojechać na przygodę
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to go ON an adventure
pójść do szkoły
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to go to school
pójść na koncert
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to go TO a concert
Moja torba jest na podłodze.
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My bag is on the floor.
Twoja torba nie jest na podłodze, ona jest na łóżku.
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Your bag is not on the floor, it's on the bed.
Czy chciałbyś pojechać do Turcji z nami?
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Would you like to go to Turkey with us?
z nami
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with us
z nimi
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with them
z nim
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with him
z nią
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with her
Chodźmy na plażę bez nich.
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Let's go to the beach without them.
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Why are you so impolite?
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Don't be so rude.
Myślę, że powinieneś przeprosić.
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I think you should say sorry. / I think you should apologise.
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Myślę, że powinieneś przeprosić za swoje zachowanie.
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I think you should apologise FOR your behaviour.
Przepraszam za spóźnienie.
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I'm sorry for being late.
Myślę, że powinieneś przeprosić, że na mnie nakrzyczałeś.
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I think you should apologise for shouting at me.
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Myślę, że powinnaś być z siebie dumna.
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I think you should be proud of yourself.
Jestem z ciebie dumny.
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I'm proud of you.
Jestem z siebie dumny.
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I'm proud of myself.
To zależy od pogody.
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It depends on the weather.
To zależy od ciebie.
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It's up to you.

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