Dominik 1st Dec

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a ceiling
Spróbujemy ją przekonać, żeby zmieniła zdanie.
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We'll try to convince her to change her mind.
z mojej strony / po mojej stronie
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on my end
The problem has been fixed on their end.
Dlaczego zmieniłeś zdanie?
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Why did you change your mind?
Czy jest COŚ, co mogę zrobić, aby przekonać Cię do zmiany decyzji?
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Is there ANYTHING I can do to convince you to change your mind?
Czy mogę coś zrobić, aby ci pomóc?
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Is there anything I can do to help you?
Jak mogę pomóc?
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How can I help?
zbyt szybko osądzać/oceniać
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too quick to judge
popełnić przestępstwo
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to commit a crime
proces (w sądzie)
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a trial
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a court
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a lawyer
być niewinnym
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to be innocent OF sth
The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime.
być winnym
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to be guilty of sth
The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime.
przewidywać coś
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to make predictions
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ocena / osąd
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a judgement
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a bench
kilka (pytań, osób)
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a bunch of (fquestions, people)
bukiet kwiatów
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a bunch of flowers
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to draw - drew - drawn
podejść do kogoś
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to come up to sb
He came up to me and started asking questions.
robić coś dalej
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to keep doing sth
Pochwaliła go za jego doskonały niemiecki.
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She complimented him on his excellent German.
powiedzieć komuś komplement
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to pay somebody a compliment
napić się wody
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to have a sip of water
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to ignore
Co tu jest napisane?
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What does it say?

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