Dominik 13th June (45 min)

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Jak się masz?
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How are you doing?
Jak się ma twoja mama?
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How is your mum doing?
przeczytać coś od deski do deski
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to read sth from cover to cover
Jak się czuje twoja mama?
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How is your mum feeling?
Moja mama jest chora.
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My mum is poorly.
I’m sorry you’ve been feeling poorly.
Ona wróciła do normy/do zdrowia.
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She is back to normal.
Ona już prawie wyzdrowiała.
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She is on the mend.
naprawić coś
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to mend sth / to repair / to fix
Could you mend my bike for me?
Ile czasu ci to zajęło?
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How much time did it take you?
Ile czasu ci to zajmuje?
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How much time does it take you?
Zajmuje mi to 2 godziny.
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It takes me 2 hours.
Zajęło mi to kilka godzin.
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It took me a few hours.
za dużo czasu
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too much time
Zapłaciliśmy za dużo pieniędzy.
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We paid too much money.
Zadała zbyt wiele pytań.
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She asked too many questions.
kosić trawnik
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to mow the lawn
Musiałam skosić skosić.
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I had to mow the lawn.
Powinnam już iść.
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I should go now.
Muszę już iść.
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I have to go now.
Powinienem pomóc mojemu bratu.
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I should help my brother.
Muszę pomóc bratu.
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I have to help my brother.
Powinienem był zadzwonić do mamy wczoraj.
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I should have called my mum yesterday.
Powinienem był sprzedać samochód w zeszłym roku.
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I should have sold my car last year.
Powinnam była przeczytać tę książkę w weekend.
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I should have read this book on the weekend.
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a babysitter
opiekować się kimś
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to look after sb / to care for sb / to take care of sb
She moved back home to care for her elderly parents.
a young person, usually a woman, who lives with a family in a foreign country in order to learn the language. An au pair helps in the house and takes care of children and receives a small wage
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an au pair
She worked in Paris for six months as an au pair.

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