Dominican girl M.

 0    20 schede    mkrystkowiak94
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Domanda Risposta
I'm looking for an excuse
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Szukam wymówki
That's a lame excues
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To kiepskie usprawiedliwienie
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look up
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I keep doing this
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Wciąż to robię
flip through
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me either
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Mnie też
you put yourself through college
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przebrnąłeś przez studia
you shoud be ashamed of
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powinniście się wstydzić
on may 2011
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w maju 2011 r
you will love it/her
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pokochasz to / ją
at the end of the show
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na koniec programu
that word stuck with me
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to słowo utkwiło we mnie
It stuck with me forever
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Utknął ze mną na zawsze
Kiss in the cheek
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Pocałuj w policzek
Math tutor
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Korepetytor matematyki
a cashier in a retail store
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kasjer w sklepie detalicznym

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