Dom Lekcja 4

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Domanda Risposta
W piwnicy są stare meble
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There's old furniture in the basement
Duży balkon
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Big balcony
Mam ławkę w ogrodzie
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I've got a bench in the garden
Chodźmy do salonu
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Let's go to the living room
Trzymam jedzenie w kuchni
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I keep food in the kitchen
W spiżarce jest dużo słoików
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There are many jars in the pantry
Na stole jest wazon
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There's a vase on the table
Dywan jest na podłodze
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The carpet is on the floor
Pod stołem jest pies
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There's a dog under the table
Przed domem jest fontanna
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There's a fountain in front of the house
Za domem jest ogród
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There's a garden behind the house
Kupiłem łóżko piętrowe, materac, kołdrę i dwie poduszki
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I bought a bunk bed, a mattress, a duvet and two pillows
Podaj mi koc
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Pass me the blanket
Obraz w pięknych ramach
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A picture in beautiful frames
Zmień żarówkę
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Change the light bulb
Podaj sitko
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Pass me the sieve
Nalej wodę z kranu
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Pour the tap water
Pizza jest w piekarniku
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The pizza is in the oven
Mały dywanik w rogu pokoju
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A small rug in the corner of the room
Dym z komina
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Smoke from the chimney
Czerwony dach
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Red roof
Nowoczesne mieszkanie
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Modern flat
Apartament, mieszkanie
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Duży salon
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Big living room
Spiżarka jest obok kuchni
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The pantry is next to the kitchen
Schody do piwnicy
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Stairs to the basement
Wino jest w piwniczce
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The wine is in the cellar
Macie kominek?
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Have you go the fireplace?
W kuchni są szafki i lodówka
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There are cupboards and a fridge in the kitchen
Nie ma fotela w salonie
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There is no armchair in the living room
Rolety są podarte
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The roller blinds are ripped
Dom bliźniak
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Semi-detached house
Dom wolnostojący
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Detacheched house
Dom szeregowy
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Terraced house
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Block of flats
Domek wiejski, chatka
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Wycieraczka jest brudna
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The doormat is dirty
Zamknij drzwi na klucz
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Lock the door
Wygodna sofa
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Comfortable sofa

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