do / make

 0    46 schede    maciejtomaszewicz
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wykonywać prace
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do a job
zdobyć stopień naukowy w danej dziedzinie
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do a degree in something
mieć lekcje matematyki
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do Maths
czynić wiele dobrego
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do a lot of good
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing up/ the dishes
You clean the table and I'll do the dishes.
robić ćwiczenie
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to do an exercise
spełnić swój obowiązek
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do your duty
I have to do my duty and call the police.
wyrządzić szkode
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do damage
wyświadczyć przyługę
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do a favor
Can you do me a favour and pick the kids up from school?
dołożyć wszelkich starań
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to do one's best
Tom always does his best at school.
odrabiać pracę domową
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to do homework
You shoud first do your homework and then go and play football.
robić interesy
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to do business
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to do harm
This dog is very calm and will do you no harm.
prowadzić badania
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to do research
Scientist are doing research on the North Pole.
robić zakupy
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to do shopping
uprawiać sport
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to do a sport
uczesać się
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do one's hair
I'll just do my hair, put some make-up on and I'll be ready to leave.
oddać komuś sprawiedliwość
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do justice to someone
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make a phone call
zrobić kolację
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make dinner
Let's make dinner and watch a movie.
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make a noise
Why are you making so much noise?!
popełnić błąd
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to make a mistake
Tom made a serious mistake and now he has problems at work.
zarobić dużo pieniędzy
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make a lot of money
Mr Thompson has his own business and makes lots of money.
zacząć od początku
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make a start
mieć sens
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make sense
It doesn't make any sense to me.
prowadzić wojne
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make war
zezłościć kogoś
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make someone angry
It makes me so angry to have to listen to that rubbish!
dokonać wyboru
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make a choice
It was a very difficult choice to make.
opuścić jakieś miejsce
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make a move
When will you finally make a move? We are going to be late
umówić się
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make an appointment
I did an appointment with my dentist for tommorow.
robić postępy
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make progress
They aren't doing any progress with their project.
złożyć ofertę
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make an offer
I'll make you an offer you cant't refuse.
podjąć decyzje
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make a decision
I know it's difficult, but it's time to make the decision.
włożyć wysiłek
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make an effort
You need to make some effort to achieve your goals.
osiągnąć zysk
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make a profit
We made quite a profit by selling our old house.
żartować sobie z kogoś
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make fun of someone
It's rude to make fun of somebody.
złożyć obietnice
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make a promise
He made me a promise he would never smoke again.
zrobić dobre wrażenie
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to make a good impression
posłać łóżko
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to make the bed
Come on, kids! Make your beds and put your toys away.
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make an attempt
tłumaczyć się
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to make an excuse
spróbować osiągnąć sukces
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make a go of something
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make a suggestion
zrobić wyjątek
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to make an exception
I can do an exception for you and let you ride my motorbike.
sprawić kłopot
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make trouble
I dont't wnat to make much trouble, I'll stay here for only one night.
zrobić bałagan
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to make a mess
Who made such a mess of this place!

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