direction 1

 0    11 schede    Muzgojeb
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Domanda American English Risposta American English
An impressive rocky coastline with a backdrop of green hills continues southward.
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An impressive rocky coastline with a backdrop of green hills continues southward.
Traffic is bad on the M6 southbound, after junction 11.
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Traffic is bad on the M6 southbound, after junction 11.
What do flashing red lights up ahead mean?
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What do flashing red lights up ahead mean?
She heads south below the Boyne across the heather dells through the mud.
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She heads south below the Boyne across the heather dells through the mud.
He passes a ragged donkey with protruding ribs, heading for water to die.
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He passes a ragged donkey with protruding ribs, heading for water to die.
Out front or out the front is the area near the entrance to a building
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Out front or out the front is the area near the entrance to a building
Hurry up! The taxi is out front.
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Hurry up! The taxi is out front.
There was a sign out front of the building
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There was a sign out front of the building
It was slightly charred on the outside, sweet in the center.
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It was slightly charred on the outside, sweet in the center.
If you want you can stand in the center
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If you want you can stand in the center.
Everybody look in the lens and smile.
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Everybody look in the lens and smile.

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