dime a dozen

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dime a dozen
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na peczki
ignoracne is bliss
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niewiedza jest błogosławieństwem
cost an arm and a leg
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bardzo drogi
once in a blue moon
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raz na ruski rok
warp your head around
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zrozumiec cos np. trudnego
drives you up the wall
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doprowadzać kogoś do szału
hit the books
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uczyc sie
at the drop of hat
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cloud nine
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byc w siodmym niebie
get butterflies in your stomach
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motyle w brzuchu
break the ice
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przełamywać lody
cutting edge
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pionierski nowatorski
not your cup of tea
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to nie moja bajka
green thumb
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dobry w ogrodzie
come rain of shine
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bez wzgledu na pogode
a piece of cake
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the best thing since sliced bread
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coś wspaniałego

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