Different words and phrases - 04.02.25

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smak (np. lodów)
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taste (e.g. ice cream)
smak, smakować
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taste, to taste
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błędne koło
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vicious circle
postanowienie noworoczne
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New Year's resolution
jedzenie w puszce
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tinned food
pomidory w puszce
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tinned tomatoes
niskotłuszczowy jogurt
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low-fat yogurt
kawa bezkofeinowa
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(decaffeinated coffee) decaf
produkty mleczne, nabiał
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dairy products
zostać na noc
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stay overnight
Myślę, że tak., Chyba tak.
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I think so.
Nie sądzę.
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I do not think so.
Mam nadzieję, że tak.
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I hope so.
Mam nadzieję, że nie.
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I hope not.

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