Dizionario Ucraino - Inglese

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гострий in inglese:

1. acute acute

acute respiratory distress
For men who are single parents, the issue is especially acute.
acute pain
But what if your anxiety is sustained and acute?
Forecasters classified it a bomb cyclone for its acute drop in atmospheric pressure.
This city will suffer from an acute water shortage unless it rains soon.
An acute lack of funds is holding up the plan.
How did it go? "They said it was acute appendicitis."
I am touched by the girl's acute sensitivity.
Communities afflicted with acute destitution are additionally confronted with illiteracy, life in appalling conditions and infectious diseases decimating the indigenous populations.
The problem is most acute in...
The question of world hunger will become much more acute
Grace has acute alcohol poisoning
He's a chain-smoker. He suffers acute anxiety if he has to last for an hour without a cigarette
She felt acute embarrassment/anxiety/concern at his behaviour.

Inglese parola "гострий"(acute) si verifica in set:

Insight into profession

2. keen keen

David has a keen interest in aesthetics — the qualities that make a painting, sculpture, musical composition, or poem pleasing to the eye, ear, or mind.
keen on something
A fence between makes love more keen.
Competition is very keen in the car industry.
Boeing, which builds more than half the world's commercial airliners, is understandably keen to draw attention to what can go wrong besides planes.
Japanese parents are not keen to talk about their own children.
bank was keen to build long term customer thrust.
They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.
She always look for extra work to do- she's very keen.
a. The butcher’s keen knife cut through the meat.
As a keen cyclist I am especially pleased by the provisions for carrying bicycles on the train.
They were very keen to start work as soon as possible.; Joan wanted to go to a movie but I wasn't keen (= I didn't want to go).; She's a keen tennis player.; She's keen on (playing) tennis.
meets a unique set of obstacles, but Campbell’s keen insight was that the outline of these stories is
He has become keen on Italian food since visiting Rome.
Hounds hunt by their keen scent.

Inglese parola "гострий"(keen) si verifica in set:

Text Arakin Teaching

3. poignant poignant

The monument is a poignant reminder of those who died in the war.
There was a poignant scene near the end of the film.
The movie presents a poignant story of the writer's childhood.
The eating of delicious food is one of the most intense and poignant pleasures of life.
poignant pain emotion
one of the most poignant scene
a poignant reminder of the passing of time; And though these words may belong to the big screen, they will haunt us whenever we recall the poignant scenes from the moving film.
It is especially poignant that he died on the day before the wedding.
A poignant tale of heartbreak and loss. Don't miss it!
The old lady shared with us a poignant memory of her late husband.
His shopping list is so poignant. His laundry list is so revealing.
Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. ‘a poignant reminder of the passing of time’ His shopping list is so poignant. His laundry list is so revealing.
The movie presents a poignant story of the writer's childhood. Scars on his wrist are a poignant reminder of his difficult adolescence.
It's a poignant story about a poor family's struggle to survive.

4. sharp

sharp teeth
That knife wasn't sharp and I couldn't cut the meat with it, so I resorted to using my pocket knife.
I have a hard time seeing the logic of this latest decision of his. He just isn't as sharp as he used to be.
Nobody anticipated such a sharp decline in interest rates.
He was on the verge of revealing the secret when a sharp look from Martha shut him up.
Its sharp claws began to open and close, open and close.
A sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use.
In the kitchen, you're more apt to cut yourself with a dull knife than with a sharp one.
This may be because of a change in people's attitude toward marriage and the sharp increase of fast food restaurants and convenience stores which are open 24 hours a day and enable young people to live more easily.
What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
Dad, should I poke Rod with a sharp thing like the mouse did?
Sharp knife, sharp pain, sharp criticism, to be a bit sharp with people, sharp turn, sharp tongue
The economic and financial crisis also brought a sharp fall in world trade.
What time of day are you at your sharpest?
There is data indicating a sharp increase in seizures of falsified medicines by customs.