Their influence becomes greater every day, but they are uncreative and can't make value judgements.
I'll give you our answer after we go into your proposal in greater detail.
A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him.
I ate a greater burdock tempura.
Are you creating for us a future world where there is a greater danger of skin cancer, weakened bodies, less food and fewer plants and animals?
It is out of the question for me to built a new house till my income becomes greater.
The greater the genius, the longer it takes the world to find it out and understand it.
As a rule, the more fundamental a new truth, the greater will be its practical possibilities.
Marriage is for women the commonest mode of livelihood, and the total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than in prostitution.
Television has the advantage of providing sports fans with greater convenience.
The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the ropes, and also has more funds at his disposal.
Accordingly, besides noun declension patterns, there also existed a greater variety of verb conjugation patterns than in Modern English.
The seals surface more frequently then, so a bear's chance of catching one at a breathing hole is greater after nightfall.
At no period of our ancient history does there appear to have been greater attention paid to the culture of the female mind than during the age of Elizabeth and at no time has there existed a greater number of amiable and respectable women.
Inglese parola "mais alto"(greater) si verifica in set:
1000 Most common Portuguese words - part 22.
Many women pursue higher education and careers, thus delaying marriage and childbirth.
Banks charge higher interest on loans to risky customers.
Smaller classes mean a higher standard of education, and that's what we want for our kids.
Faster, higher, stronger!
It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats.
The members of each stratum accept as their ideal of decency the scheme of life in vogue in the next higher stratum, and bend their energies to live up to that ideal.
No matter how low the target, always aim higher.
Even the periodical pay raise could not keep abreast of higher living costs.
The higher classes constitute the mind of the single large whole of humanity; the lower classes constitute its limbs; the former are the thinking and designing part, the latter the executive part.
Citizens of higher social status were permitted to live closer to the center.
You think someone coarser than you is "crude", and someone higher class than you to be "putting on airs".
It is a two level style round burial mound, 23m diameter (lower level), 18m (higher).
Inglese parola "mais alto"(higher) si verifica in set:
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