Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

zdobiony in inglese:

1. made up of

The European Union is made up of people with different backgrounds, skills and experience.

Inglese parola "zdobiony"(made up of) si verifica in set:

Słówka Człowiek

2. ornamental

The ornamental use of trees in Britain

Inglese parola "zdobiony"(ornamental) si verifica in set:

Vince 5 Towns and Buildings

3. emblazoned

No need to say what will be emblazoned on the shirt.
the cover was completely black except for three words emblazoned in bright, red letters.

4. elaborate

Is the Loch Ness monster real or is it just an elaborate hoax?
pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns
Could you elaborate?
His elaborate answer to our question confused us even further.
on't elaborate, I don't want to know the details.
Can you elaborate upon your qualifications because I'm not sure from your CV.
Near the door, an elaborate metal robot -- a robot designed to keep away intruders, was standing coldly.
Those supposed photos of a UFO were finally debunked as an elaborate forgery.
In this album all the sounds that you hear are really elaborate computer voices.
Well, I clean the rooms, do the laundry, or cook an elaborate supper.
Some species gradually develop elaborate repertoires of dozens or even hundreds of variants of a basic song.
An elaborate wedding cake.
If you cannot find any then perhaps you could elaborate on your plan.
His elaborate plan failed because he forgot one vital detail.
The theory was proposed by Cope and elaborated by Osborn.

5. festooned

A straw hat festooned with paper flowers. The hall was festooned with Christmas lights and holly.