Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

zagryźć zęby in inglese:

1. to bite the bullet to bite the bullet

I wasn’t happy with the way my career was going so I decided to bite the bullet and look for another job.
The injection was very painful, but the patient managed to bite the bullet.
Some in big business also seem ready to bite the bullet.

2. to clench one's teeth to clench one's teeth

Inglese parola "zagryźć zęby"(to clench one's teeth) si verifica in set:

Human body - teeth

3. grin and bear it grin and bear it

The dinner Joe cooked was awful, but I managed to grin and bear it.
I really don't want to go but I guess I'll just have to grin and bear it

Inglese parola "zagryźć zęby"(grin and bear it) si verifica in set:

advanced gram & vocab

4. bite teeth bite teeth

5. just grin and bear it just grin and bear it

Inglese parola "zagryźć zęby"(just grin and bear it) si verifica in set:

hapiness and sadness