Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

zacisnąć zęby in inglese:

1. bite the bullet bite the bullet

We have no choice. We just have to bite the bullet.
If the Socialists win the election, they too will have to bite the bullet.
I have to bite the bullet and tell him the truth.
It’s time to bite the bullet and change my job!

Inglese parola "zacisnąć zęby"(bite the bullet) si verifica in set:

Angielski dla Zylców vocabluary unit 5
archibald 6.0
Listening 1-2
Popular sayings

2. grit your teeth grit your teeth

When you grit your teeth, you rub your teeth together from side to side. Gritting your teeth is very bad for them, and can cause your teeth to become flat. Usually, people grit their teeth when they are very angry, or in a lot of pain.

Inglese parola "zacisnąć zęby"(grit your teeth) si verifica in set:

Success Adv. unit 1 body idioms
"Władaj i gadaj cz. 2" - rozdział 24 - "pielęgnacja"
Słówka do testu dział 1
Target CEA reading

3. grit one's teeth grit one's teeth

Inglese parola "zacisnąć zęby"(grit one's teeth) si verifica in set:

NEF, 1A, What motivates you?

4. clench your teeth clench your teeth

Inglese parola "zacisnąć zęby"(clench your teeth) si verifica in set:

ciało człowieka
angielski cz.3
The Bagel Test