Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

zabytki in inglese:

1. monuments monuments

Historical monuments
The monuments of wit survive the monuments of power.

Inglese parola "zabytki"(monuments) si verifica in set:

ANGIELSKI justyna zeszyt - fiszki part 2
Fiszki z książki - "French Cave Paintings" (Jean C...
Fiszki z książki - "North American Stone Implement...
Fiszki z książki - "The Graves of the Fallen" (Jos...
Fiszki z książki - "The History of Antiquity, Vol....

2. landmarks landmarks

Watching for landmarks is clearly part of...
Are there any landmarks?

Inglese parola "zabytki"(landmarks) si verifica in set:

podróżowanie i turystyka
10 Lekcja - 07.04
E1-Unit 3 and 4
Styczeń 2020

3. sights sights

We'll be seeing the sights of Paris about this time tomorrow.
I took advantage of my business trip to see the sights of Paris.
We did the sights of Yokohama.
We rented bicycles and saw the sights of Hagino.
Visiting all the tourist sights really wore me out.
What are the main sights around here?
I'm seeing all the sights.
I gave up the idea of seeing the sights of the city because of the bad weather.
Most students do the sights of Kyoto on their school excursion.
How far did the brochure say the sights were?
We stayed an extra two weeks in Paris; and we spent it seeing the sights.
Bad weather prevented me from doing the sights of Nara.
If I’m short of time, what three sights should I see?
1. Fine dining, wonderful culture... beautiful sights. / 2. I'll take you for a walk later, show you the sights.
Switzerland boasts many sights.

Inglese parola "zabytki"(sights) si verifica in set:

wakacje i zwiedzanie; porozumiewanie się
UNIT 3 Cutting Edge Intermediate Student's Book
holiday where i am czyli z kartek
slowa unit 3 intermiditate
Lessons 63&64 - 05.02.2018

4. historical sites historical sites

So, did you boys like those historical sites I recommended?

Inglese parola "zabytki"(historical sites) si verifica in set:

Człowiek, Państwo i społeczeństwo
wszystko ok👍
Collocations 3

5. ancient monuments ancient monuments

Inglese parola "zabytki"(ancient monuments) si verifica in set:

Tourism and conservation

6. historic monuments historic monuments

Inglese parola "zabytki"(historic monuments) si verifica in set:

Kultura Słówka

7. historical building historical building

Inglese parola "zabytki"(historical building) si verifica in set:

podróżowanie i turystyka