Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

wygnieciony in inglese:

1. creased

I can't wear this blouse. It's creased.
Damn, my shirt is all creased!
You need to iron your shirt. It's creased.
creased shirt

Inglese parola "wygnieciony"(creased) si verifica in set:

Clothes and fashion - extra vocabulary
Ubrania i moda - poziom rozszerzony
1. Człowiek Repetytorium Maturalne Longman Zakres ...
repetytorium maturalne - unit 1
Repetytorium dz. I cz. II

2. crumpled

crumpled clothes
The floor was strewn with party favors: torn noisemakers, crumpled party hats, and dirty Power Ranger plates.

Inglese parola "wygnieciony"(crumpled) si verifica in set:

Człowiek Unit 1 rozszerzenie
angielski rozdział 1
repetytorium ang człowiek