Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

wybrać w drodze wyborów in inglese:

1. elect elect

Who did you elect to do the task?
He was elected president.
They elect their representatives in a voting booth.
You elect your representative by voting.
They agreed to elect him as president.
Will they elect him for four more years?
Who I should elect?
The council is elected by popular vote.
The students elected the most popular girl in the school as their prefect.
The country elected a new government in January.
We will elect whoever we believe is worthy.
In a democracy, the people elect their government officials directly.
Our company is a small but elect venture business that assists in entry and totalling of questionnaires.
Let's elect Putin once more!

Inglese parola "wybrać w drodze wyborów"(elect) si verifica in set:

Natka unit 5 ; PP

2. choose by election choose by election