Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

wpływ na coś in inglese:

1. influence on something

Inglese parola "wpływ na coś"(influence on something) si verifica in set:

Questionnaire: How fast is your life?
jedzenie angielski strona 2
word patterns wzorce słów
unit 6(żywienie)
Lesson 16.09.20/21.09

2. influence on

Lea has a bad influence on me. She's always partying, and I'm starting to pick up her bad habits.
(noun) Helen's a bad/good influence on him. (verb) What influenced you to choose a career in nursing?
The drug companies have a lot of influence on doctors.

Inglese parola "wpływ na coś"(influence on) si verifica in set:

Lexical patterns