Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

w niewoli in inglese:

1. in captivity

Wild animals are often unhappy in captivity.
Wild animals born in captivity would soon die in the wild.

Inglese parola "w niewoli"(in captivity) si verifica in set:

language focus and language knowladge
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2. captive

Tom is still being held captive.
Talks have persuaded the terrorists to set the captives free.
He fell captive to her charms.
So that was a very captive audience. ~~~ And I wanted to give them an escape.
captive animals
August is peak travel season, which means that right now millions of Americans are traipsing around the world creating the stories they’ll be telling captivated dinner guests and captive grandchildren for decades to come.
Greece, conquered, took captive her savage conqueror.