Dizionario Polacco - Inglese

język polski - English

włączenie in inglese:

1. incorporating

Inglese parola "włączenie"(incorporating) si verifica in set:

Fiszki z książki - "Let's Use Soybeans" (Anonymous)
Fiszki z książki - "History of the Confederate Pow...
Fiszki z książki - "A History of the Boundaries of...
Fiszki z książki - "The Brochure Series of Archite...
Wykład laser01

2. inclusion

Two items remain unresolved between us: the first is the inclusion of biocides.
She is being ​considered for inclusion in the ​Olympic ​team.
promoting the inclusion of immigrantsinto mainstream
Plaintiffs seek to discredit the findings of the review, pointing to deviations from the review's baseline criteria resulting in the inclusion of Somalia and omission of Iraq.
a day barely passes without its inclusion in the schedule
We use the symbol “⊂” to denote proper inclusion.

Inglese parola "włączenie"(inclusion) si verifica in set:

The only Way is forward
8PNJAczw Chołodowski entry test
unit 1a dodatkowy angielski
Słowa na I-3

3. incorporation

The incorporation of a new system has enabled us to improve the quality of customer care.
The articles of incorporation have finally been completed for our Digital Groove Club.

Inglese parola "włączenie"(incorporation) si verifica in set:

literature of the middle ages, Anglo-Saxon Period,...
how to bulid a car - chapter 2
essay words #3

4. inclusion of

Inglese parola "włączenie"(inclusion of) si verifica in set:

The intelligent investor
Vocabulary 20